Franchise Management

The business relationship between franchisee and franchisor is largely characterized by transparent documentation.

Franchise companies are ideally faced with the major task of centrally managing rapid growth. This task is accompanied by many obligations: Existing franchisees must be looked after as well as possible. At the same time, new franchisees must be integrated into the processes as quickly as possible. Onboarding should be simple to meet the demands of the rapidly growing day-to-day business.

Documentation as a core element of the business relationship

The business relationship between franchisee and franchisor is largely characterized by transparent documentation. But how does a franchisor manage to make the necessary documentation available easily and up-to-date at all times? How can franchisees be supported in their daily work with clear procedures and process instructions? What possibilities are there to determine the compliance with requirements and guidelines in a manipulation-proof and transparent way in a timely manner? How to protect the brand and identify "black sheep" at an early stage?

Digital task management

Ensuring franchisees comply with policies and guidelines represents a high level of control and management effort for the franchisor. With a digital task management system, processes can be mapped and controlled centrally and digitally. Digital task management simplifies the administration for the franchisor. Processes can be individually created, adapted, and assigned to the corresponding franchisees. This way, franchisees are always informed about current tasks. Based on the established processes and structures, the onboarding of new franchisees is faster and less error prone.

Adherence to sensitive processes such as HACCP or hygiene can also be tracked and viewed transparently and tamper-proof via digital task management. The documentation of all measures relating to the setup and operational management of the operation is made much easier for the franchisee, as digital documentation means that fewer on-site checks have to be carried out. Paper documents are a thing of the past. All relevant documentation, deviations, uncompleted tasks or similar are available digitally in real time and can be viewed from any location. Due to the transparency and traceability of the documentation, the discipline of the franchisees is increased, and the brand protection is strengthened.

Food safety management solutionProcess optimization based on systematic data evaluation

Franchisees can also benefit from the advantages of digital documentation. For example, digital documentation simplifies on-site management. Data is entered into the central cloud in real time, including the amount and reasons for food waste. If the corresponding data is evaluated in a systematic manner, the potential for increasing efficiency can be identified and realized. The quality of suppliers can be evaluated in the same way and appropriate conclusions drawn from this. Ultimately, detailed evaluations and systematic process optimizations can increase the operating result long-term.

Relief for franchisees in day-to-day operations

Generally applicable quality guidelines and standards are usually defined to meet the franchisor's quality requirements. This includes temperature documentation for, e.g., handling sensitive foods. Temperature documentation is a highly sensitive process that must be performed daily and regularly but has no apparent added value to the bottom line. Automated temperature documentation is the solution to relieve the staff and the franchisees.

The transparent, tamper-proof temperature recording ensures high-quality documentation. In the event of any deviation, an alarm is issued (via SMS and/or e-mail). The risk of irregularities in quality assurance can be significantly reduced. At the same time, the alarm in the event of temperature deviations - caused, for example, by failure of refrigeration equipment - enables the franchisee to secure its goods and thus save costs.

The combination of a digital task management system and automated temperature monitoring provides a solution for franchise processes that is suitable for everyday use.

Sensire Cloud



Sensire offers you the most comprehensive digital solution for quality and compliance management, providing the tools you need to run your HoReCa business efficiently. Our fully customizable system delivers the unique insight into your processes that you've always wanted. If you have any questions or would like a live demo, please feel free to contact us directly:


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